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Be An Overcomer!

Common sense fundamentals seem to leave my mind from time to time. “Eat just the amount of food you need only when you’re truly hungry.” “Do what you know you should, even when you don’t feel like it.” “Save your money instead of spending it on things you don’t truly need.” Sometimes it sounds so easy while other times it seems like the biggest challenge of my life. Why?


Changing a habit can be difficult. Changing a habit can be uncomfortable. Changing a habit takes practice. Changing a habit means picking yourself up, dusting it off, and trying again... a billion times, if needed. Changing a habit takes forgiveness of yourself and others. Changing habits is a must if we truly want see our dreams become our reality.

W.L. Bateman nailed it on the head when he said "If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always gotten." So when I think about my dream of losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it becomes clear that I can't keep eating when I want, how much I want, and for any reason. I must eat differently than before. I want my dream to become my reality!

We treasure things that have cost us personally. When we've worked really hard for something and it finally becomes ours, we hold onto it dearly. If we're truly invested in our dreams, we need to count the cost and push through adversity to make them become our reality. Most likely, it will be on the other side of a wall of hardship... the other side of a storm.

The cost may be our time, focusing on changing a habit, sacrificing something our flesh wants for something we actually need, or a number of other desires. Sadly, most people don't pay the price of obedience that would lead them through the wall that hides their dreams. They retreat, never discovering what was just on the other side.

You must be an overcomer to see your dreams come true! An overcomer resists any competition or schemes from the enemy. An overcomer battles on, drudging through the muck and mire and nothing will stop them. An overcomer does whatever it takes to make their dreams come true.

How valuable something is to you determines the price you're willing to pay for it. Every time you pay the price, you stand a little taller. You become stronger and you build your faith and trust in God. If you are facing a cost, don't pull away from it. Pay the price and be an overcomer! Be enthusiastically committed to pay whatever it takes to receive the prize!

When I look back at the high price tags that have come with some of my life lessons, I'm really glad I chose to pay. I love where I am now and am eager to see my dreams come true. But the level of commitment for certain dreams that seemed so great for me last year isn't quite as costly now. There's a new level to reach in my relationship with God and a new price tag of obedience to pay.

Count the cost and do it beautifully with joy! Once you commit to that decision, it will become a "done deal" in your mind and you won't look back.

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